5 Things to Consider Before Buying Reversing Cameras for Your Caravan

For some drivers, backing up a larger vehicle can be challenging, and the caravan is no exception. You want to make sure that the rear area is clear to avoid accidentally hitting, damaging, or running over something. For safety’s sake, it’s best to invest in a high-quality caravan reversing camera. It could also help you in avoiding costly accidents and repairs, too.

There may be different reversing cameras available today, but not all of them may be best for a caravan. So, here are five things to consider before buying one:

  1. Do you really need one? - Even if you are the most experienced driver on the road, there’s no telling when an incident can happen. A caravan reversing camera can provide a layer of safety should anything out of the ordinary occur. It could even help with security, especially if you are camping out in secluded or uninhabited areas.
  1. Know how it’s installed – Choose a camera that is easy to install and set-up. There should be sufficient cabling that can let you run it along the chassis and down the walls to the coupling and way into the tow vehicle. Make sure the cables are adequately insulated against electromagnetic interference and wear and tear.
  1. Wired vs. wireless – Until wireless technology for the caravan reversing camera improves, consider going for wired cameras first. That’s because wireless cameras are still EMI susceptible, and there’s the guesswork of whether it will work properly or malfunction after installation.
  1. Check the image sensor – Similar to your usual digital camera, reversing cameras have an image sensor to capture light and transforms it into digital signal. Sensors are either CCD (charged coupled device) or CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor). The former can deliver better picture with less noise, and it can capture the whole image simultaneously, while the latter captures images line by line.

CCD works well under low and bright light, even under fluorescent lighting. CMOS tends to flicker under fluorescent lights, and it could produce distorted images.

  1. Features Don’t forget to check the features of the caravan reversing camera. Make sure it offers reliable night vision, audio, a 90-degree viewing angle, mirror image capability like your rear-view mirror, a sun shield, and a forward-motion capability.


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